Academia and industry united innovation and treatment for tuberculosis (UNITE4TB)

UNITE4TB has been established to accelerate the development of new tuberculosis drugs and regimens. Over a project term of 7 years, the consortium aims to accelerate and set a new standard for the clinical evaluation of novel compounds and combinations of drugs to develop new and highly active anti-tuberculosis (TB) treatment regimens for drug-resistant (DR) and -sensitive (DS) TB. The consortium will deliver an efficient, global clinical trials (CTs) network equipped to implement phase 2A and 2B/C trials that conform to the highest regulatory standards. Launched in July 2021, the €185 million project is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Joint 2 Undertaking. With 30 partners from 13 countries, it is the largest public-private partnership on clinical TB drug development in the history of the European Union. BMBF is funding UNITE4TB directly through the two German partners – the LMU University Hospital Munich and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) – with around 25 million euros for seven years.